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School Site Council Meeting Dates: 2024-25

Meetings are held in the Marsh Junior High School Large Conference Room, located in the main office.  Meetings start at 3 pm in the large conference room. 

First Wednesday, every other month

3:00 - 4:00 pm

September 4th

November 6

January 8th 

March 5th

May 7th


Meeting agendas will be updated one week before the scheduled meeting date. 

The agenda for the September 4ths meeting can be found below

  • Welcome SSC Parents and Staff

  • Review Green Act and Site Council Bylaws

  • Review Student Data – Academic and attendance

  • Review Goals for the Year

  • Annual Notice of Uniform Complaint

  • Review Safety Plan

  • Reminder: BTSN/BBQ August 27th


The School Site Council (SSC) is comprised of Marsh parents, teachers, classified staff and administration. The School Site Council supports decision making and gathers input from a variety of stakeholders to ensure we are providing the best possible school experience for all of our students. The SSC is responsible for overseeing the educational program and the categorical budget of our school.  
Jessica Kamph Principal
Jen Boyd   Other School Staff
Thank you to MJHS ASB student for providing student representation for our School Site Council.
Each year our School Site Council routinely approves the School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA).
The School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) aims to coordinate all educational services at our school. The SPSA addresses how school funds improve the academic performance of all students. The SPSA must integrate the purposes and requirements of all state and federal programs in which the school participates.
Please reach out if you have any questions regarding the school SPSA.
Thank you,
Jessica Kamph

School Site Council's Purpose

  1. Discuss and make recommendations on the Site LCAP (Local Control Accountability Plan) Goals.
  2. Have ongoing responsibility to review with the principal, teachers, and other school personnel, the implementation of the Site LCAP goals and to periodically assess the effectiveness of the goals.
  3. Develop and approve a Title II and Safety Fund spending plan.
  4. Take other actions as required by the Education Code.

Are you a student, parent, or community member? Keep in touch with us: