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Attendance Matters!

Attendance Matters

Good attendance benefits your child's education. Research is clear; students who attend school regularly do better academically and are more likely to establish work habits that help them succeed in life and work. Studies show that children who miss just one day of school fall two days behind in their school work. Students who are absent an average of 15 days a year miss a years' worth of school before their senior year and students who miss 8 days or more each year are at risk of not graduating with their class.  You play a vital role by helping your child attend every school day possible.

PARTIAL DAY ATTENDANCE/FUNDING:  When your child has a doctor's appointment in the middle of the school day, please bring him/her to school before or after the appointment. Schools receive full funding even if a student attends for part of the day. It is this funding that provides the needed books, supplies, curriculum, and other necessities for your child's education.

A: No. The school only receives funding when your child is present. (Remember, partial day attendance does NOT count as an all day absence.

A: We prefer you call the school office the morning of the absence, but you can send a note when the child returns that is written by a parent/guardian explaining the absence.
Q. What do I do if my child is absent?  
A: Upon return to school, make sure that your child has written documentation regarding his/her absence that is signed by a parent or guardian or call the school to clear the absence.
THE INDEPENDENT STUDY PROGRAM: Your child's attendance is very important. We appreciate that you use our school calendar to adjust your vacations and trips so they are not scheduled on school days. However, if your child must miss five (5) consecutive days or more of school, please arrange with the school office and your child's teacher to sign up for the Independent Study Program. Your child will receive a study packet which will help them stay on task and the classroom will receive funding.

ABSENCE REMINDER: It is very important that a parent or guardian notify the office when a child is absent, when there is no verification within three (3) school days, the absences are considered unexcused and the student truant (Ed Code 48260). If you are leaving a message, please state your child's name, your name, teacher's name, date of absence and reason. Thank you for your help in clearing your child's absences
Students must be in their seats when the bell rings.  If a student is not in their seat, they will receive an unexcused tardy. A 30 Minute detention will be assigned and must be completed within five school days. Written verification by a medical office with date and time listed will be an excused tardy, or a parent phone call or note with a reason to excuse the tardy.
 If you need to pick your child up during school hours, your student will need an off campus permit from the attendance office prior to leaving campus. To receive this:
1.    Send your child with a note that they can take to the attendance office. Please state your student's first & last name, the reason, the time, & your name.
2.    Call the attendance office at your school.
3.    Stop by the attendance office. Please allow as much time as possible prior to the appointment. Your child could be in a class, like P.E., which might delay contacting him/her and his/her being ready to leave school.
Send your student to school with a note stating your student's first and last name, the reason, the time they need to leave campus, and your name and have them bring it to the office.  Your student will receive a pass in their class asking them to come to the office during that time with their backpack. They will meet you in the office, and then you will sign your student out on the I-Pad located at the attendance desk
Good attendance benefits your child's education. Research is clear - students who attend school regularly do better academically and are more likely to establish work habits that help them succeed in life and work. Studies show that children who miss just one day of school fall two days behind in their school work. Students who are absent an average of 15 days a year miss a year's worth of school before their senior year, and students who miss eight (8) days or more each year are at risk of not graduating with their class. You play a vital role by helping your child attend school every day possible.
Teachers have a limited time to teach and research states that attendance directly correlates to academic achievement. We want everyone to try their very best to be here everyday and arrive on time. Our teachers get classes started first thing and need everyone prepared and ready to start.

Independent Study forms

The forms required to participate in the Independant Study Program can be found here. Please download them for printing and submit them to the main office once completed. 

Jennifer Boyd

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COVID-19 Testing Locations in Butte County

Daily Wellness Checks Begin at Home

Campus health and wellness begins at home. Butte County Public Health (BCPH) developed guidelines to assist parents in determining when students should be kept home. Students utilizing the in-person instructional model should perform daily wellness checks prior to entering school campus.


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