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Russ Gray "roy bishop" billy haige

Russ Gray

History 6, room B1

895 - 4110 x  //

Roy Bishop

History 7 & 8, room C12

895 - 4110 x 312 //

Billy Hague

History 7 & 8, room C11

Syllabus: History 7
895 - 4110 x 311 //
Tom Melton Ryan Willard

Tom Melton

History 7 & 8, room C7

895 - 4110 x 307 //

Ryan Willard

History 6/7 & Leadership, room C-8

895 - 4110 x 301 //

Course descriptions

The Marsh Junior Social Science Department is eager to help students understand the importance of history in their lives - how it has created their present and how it will impact their future.

Our 6th and 7th grade courses include world history, ancient civilizations and geography, including the everyday lives, problems and accomplishments of people and how they shaped the world we live in today.
The 8th grade course includes discovery and settlement, founding of the colonies, war for independence, birth of our nation, westward movement, Native Americans, Civil War and Reconstruction.
All classes meet the California History-Social Science Content Standards for California Public Schools for Grades 6-8.

6th grade - Ancient History

This class will cover more time than any other history class; 4 million years to be exact. The sixth grade course focuses on the development of cultures through geographical resources and their ultimate rise to civilizations. Where did they go? How are their discoveries and contributions influencing us today? Through a wide variety of techniques including real and virtual exploration we attempt to uncover some of the past’s greatest mysteries.

Textbook: Discovery Ed, Social Studies
Tech book:
Ancient World History


Unit names

  • Human Origins
  • Agriculture and Settlement
  • Mesopotamia
  • Egypt
  • Ancient India
  • Ancient China
  • Origins of Judaism
  • Ancient Greece

7th grade - World History

Textbook: Across the Centuries
  • Geography & Archaeology
  • Roman Empire
  • Middle East & Islam
  • West African Kingdoms
  • Japan
  • Medieval Europe
  • The Renaissance

8th grade - US History

Textbook: The American Journey
  • The Colonies
  • The Revolutionary War
  • The Constitution
  • Westward Movement
  • The Civil War & Reconstruction
  • Industrial America

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